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上海阿德科特 “外教天团”,不允许你不知道的国际教育之光
October 23, 2024





  • 英国籍

  • 本科毕业于朴茨茅斯大学应用化学专业

  • 1998年就获得PGCE证书、QTS证书,经认证CAIE教师培训导师

  • 深耕国际教育26年, Martin副校曾先后于深圳国际交流学院担任学术教学副院长、深圳前海坎特伯雷国王外籍人员子女学校担任学术副校长,在长期的教育工作中不变的是他对教育的热爱和教育理念的执着

 I majored in Applied Chemistry at the University of Portsmouth and, after spending some years in the leather industry, trained as a teacher at Exeter University.

I have been teaching for 26 years, mostly in high school, mostly in science and chemistry. Then, I came to China in 2014 to work for SCIE and quickly became the Head of Chemistry before being further promoted to the Academic Deputy Principal. During My time in China, I have been an Exams officer, become an accredited CIAE teacher trainer (Chemistry IG and A level), and been responsible for timetabling as well as many other roles.

As a teacher, I am a great believer in active learning and love the work of experts like Dylan R Wiliam.

As a leader, I am committed to building teams. If we work together, the load is shared, and we have more time for the important things in life.


  • 英国籍

  • 本科毕业于哈德斯菲尔德大学社会学历史专业

  • 持有PGCE证书,英国国家校长专业资格(National Professional Qualification for Headship, NPQH)

  • 拥有超过20年的教学和管理经验,曾在上海诺德安达学校、南宁哈罗礼德学校先后担任中学部校长和高年级校长。2024年作为新力量加入上海阿德科特的大家庭,为阿德提供更高效、高质量的教育服务

I am an experienced and successful senior leader with a strong track record of impact. My vision is that all learners, regardless of their background should be supported and nurtured to reach their potential in an environment which is positive; aspirational and believes in their abilities. I value the achievements of all learners and staff. I believe a school is a learning community and it is therefore crucial to positively involve all members of the community: primarily learners and their families as learning partners; teaching and non-teaching staff and also local residents and businesses. Parents and carers have a key role to play, from supporting their children’s learning to being actively involved in decision making.



  • 英国籍

  • 本科毕业于伦敦特维克纳姆圣玛丽大学,戏剧艺术学专业


  • 先后在曾在英国、美国和香港工作过,在中国杭州狄邦文理学校等学校教授英语超过5年

  • Michael老师是我校Shaw学院的领头人

Taught Gaokao in both Drama and English, helped 10 students from my previous school to get into top 5 universities in the United Kingdom, managed to help cultivate and create awareness of Drama and Theatre in Zhejiang province by helping students with their theatre aspirations.  20 Year career in Film, Television, Commercials and Theatre, and have worked both in the Uk, USA and Hong Kong, my proudest achievement is every student that I help towards the next step of their educaiton goals.


  • 英国籍

  • 硕士研究生,毕业于斯特拉斯克莱德大学,信息与图书馆研究专业

  • 持有TEFL证书

  • 先后在韩国、沙特阿拉伯、英国等国家教授英语、图书管理与信息,教学经验丰富,尊重每个孩子的个性,让课堂充满乐趣

I am a reading teacher and librarian from Scotland who came to China in November 2023. Before starting at Adcote Shanghai I have worked in both private and public schools, training centres, and academic libraries.Outside of work I enjoy painting, reading, photography, and cooking.


  • 美国籍

  • 本科毕业于美国波士顿大学地质学专业

  • 超过21年的教学经验,先后在纽约工作6年,泰国工作4年,来到中国后在上海领科学校工作11年,擅长营造轻松有趣、积极的课堂环境。

  • 在CAIE地理考试中,有三名学生在Michael老师带领下获得了Best exam score in China

I am teaching something that I am passionate about and hopefully many of my former students will be global citizens who are more aware about the world around them than before they learned Geography.

  • 南非籍

  • 本科毕业于夸祖鲁-纳塔尔大学

  • 持有CELTA证书

  • 在中国超过8年的教学经验,先后曾在在韩国、深圳教学三年,之后在上海金苹果学校担任英语教师

  • 热情有活力,在课堂上最大程度地让学生体验到她的关心从而全方位提高英语语言能力

My name is Helaine Going from South Africa. I have a CELTA diploma from Cambridge University and a Bachelor of Social Sciences Degree majoring in English with plans to further my studies and get a postgraduate diploma in Education next year. I have taught in South Korea for one year, Shenzhen for two years and this is my sixth year teaching in Shanghai.

Teaching has been a dream of mine since I was ten years old. I am proud to have made my dream a reality and aspire to continue to grow in this field. I am a dedicated, hard-working and passionate teacher who loves teaching and helping students grow both academically and personally.

I take great pride in my work and support the students as best I can both in and outside of the classroom. Learning is not a spectator sport.

  • 南非籍

  • 硕士毕业于夸祖鲁·纳塔尔大学

  • 持有PGCE、CELTA 证书

  • 曾在南非Gordon Road Girls学校担任英语组组长,2023年加入Adcote,她的课堂充满活力,不断与孩子建立联系,使他们自由自信地分享新获得的语言技能

Teaching is a deeply rewarding profession because it allows me to shape minds and inspire a lifelong love of learning. The joy of seeing students grasp new concepts, overcome challenges, and grow both academically and personally is unmatched. A good teacher, in my view, is someone who not only imparts knowledge but also cultivates a supportive and engaging learning environment. They possess a genuine passion for their subject and a keen ability to connect with students, adapting their methods to meet diverse needs and learning styles. Patience, empathy, and the ability to motivate are crucial traits, as they help build trust and encourage students to reach their full potential. Ultimately, a good teacher leaves a lasting impact by fostering curiosity, critical thinking, and a sense of self-belief in their students.

  • 新西兰籍

  • 毕业于新西兰奥克兰大学生物科学专业

  • 原领科学校优秀生物教师,2022年加入我校,现担任化学&生物组副组长

  • 超过18年的IG、A-level教学经验,2024年4月带领学生参加BBO竞赛,荣获5个全球金奖、3个全球银奖、2个全球铜奖的优异成绩;也带领并辅导学生参加USABO竞赛 ,荣获1个金奖、1个铜奖和1个地区优秀奖的好成绩。

I have been teaching since 2006, and have taught in New Zealand for 11 years, Tokelau Island for a year on Sabbatical and China for 4 years. I have taught Senior Biology for most of my teaching career and Junior Science.

  • 塞尔维亚籍

  • 本科毕业于贝尔格莱德大学体育学院体育健康专业

  • 在中国超过6年的教学经验,曾任职于上海市金苹果学校和上海青浦区协和双语,担任体育教师,在校联合学生共同成立了排球、飞盘、篮球和足球队,在体育教学中有着新颖的教学方式,课堂中能让孩子们在玩中学,善于培养孩子对体育运动的兴趣,寓教于乐。

  • 加入并参加了上海SSSA(Shanghai Student Sports Association)锦标赛联赛

My mission is to inspire students to lead healthy, active lifestyles and to foster a love for physical activity that extends beyond the classroom. I believe that PE is not just about playing sports, but about building teamwork, discipline, and resilience. I am committed to creating a safe and inclusive environment where all students can develop their physical skills, build confidence, and have fun. I look forward to contributing to the holistic development of our students and being a part of this wonderful school community.

  • 意大利籍

  • 博洛尼亚大学硕士研究生,表演艺术专业

  • 曾在意大利塞米诺尔电影公司担任技术总监,负责多场现场设计和视觉效果,17年于美国音乐学院教授视觉艺术相关课程,22年在广东碧桂园学校担任视觉艺术课程教师,教学经验丰富,深受学生喜爱。

My name is Anthoni, a passionate visual arts teacher driven by a deep-seated love for fostering creative expression and inspiring the next generation of artistic minds. With a Master's degree in performing arts and a wealth of experience in the dynamic world of movies and VFX post-production.

  • 加拿大籍

  • 博士毕业于北京师范大学教育经济学与管理专业,硕士毕业于复旦大学公共政策专业

  • 来自加拿大的Candice老师是我校Drapers 学院的领头人,带领学院成员举办了多项趣味强的活动

  • IBSN网络的活跃成员,目前正在接受IBDP、TOK培训。她的教学能力在她的学生的成功中显而易见,100%的学生有资格参加世界学者杯全球竞赛(WSC),70%晋级耶鲁大学著名的冠军锦标赛(ToC)

  • Candice在SSCI期刊上发表了四篇文章,她还担任Springer的部门编辑,在那里她探索了人工智能与人类思维在国际教育背景下的协同作用

Candice is a dedicated educator and accomplished researcher from Canada, holding a PGCE and TESOL certification. As an active IBSN network member, she is currently undergoing IBDP TOK training. Her commitment to teaching is evident in her students’ achievements, with 100% qualifying for the Global Round of the World Scholar’s Cup (WSC) and 70% advancing to the Tournament of Champions (ToC) at Yale University.An alumna of the University of Toronto, Candice holds a double major in Human Geography and Urban Planning. She completed her Ph.D. in Education Economy and Administration in 2023. Her research focuses on culturally responsive pedagogy (CRP) and its impact on international schools in China. She has published four SSCI journal papers and serves as a section editor with Springer, where she explores the synergy between AI and the human mind in international education.

Candice’s teaching philosophy emphasizes a student-centered approach, addressing both academic and non-academic needs to create a holistic learning environment. As House Master for Drapers, representing Independence, she fosters self-reliance, confidence, critical thinking, problem-solving, and personal growth in her students, ensuring they are prepared for future challenges.

  • 加拿大籍

  • 本科毕业于真理大学,西方文学与戏剧专业,持有PDQ资格证书

  • Charlene是一名充满活力、她致力于通过艺术戏剧建立起桥梁,创造有趣且引人入胜的课程,激发孩子追求卓越表现,展示他们的才华

  • 2023年度戏剧汇演,由她导演、组织的戏剧仲夏夜之梦大放异彩,深受学生的喜爱,通过这些表演实践展示了孩子们在舞台中逐渐获得的自信与勇气

I am currently an IG and A-Level drama teacher at Adcote High School Shanghai. I graduated from Alethia University in Taiwan with a degree in English Literature. After settling in Vancouver for 6 years, I moved to Shanghai in 2002, where I studied and worked for 15 years.

From 2011-2015, I was signed to Jay Chou Records as an artist in Taiwan, and in 2012, I participated in a Hollywood online movie as the second female lead. I also worked on the stage play "Classmates" from 2016-2018 under the direction of renowned Taiwanese producer Wang Weizhong. My experiences both on-screen and behind the scenes have led to collaborations with international luxury brands.

My passions include art, literature, outdoor activities, photography, filmmaking, and music. I also manage and update my social media platforms weekly, focusing on shooting, editing, and content creation. Through my work, I aim to share my unique perspective with the world. 

  • 澳大利亚籍

  • 本科毕业于西悉尼大学商学专业

  • 超过15年的教学经验,曾就职于光华学院,拥有卓越的教学记录,精通数学教育理论,拥有丰富的研究和探索经验。

Hi, I am Jimmy Tan, Adcote’s math teacher since 2021. I started my career as a metal commodity wholeseller in a large trading company after gaining my first degree in engineering, then I moved to Australia and completed my second degree in business (Accounting). Being a full-time assistant accountant, I spent leisure time pursuing my hobby – doing mathematics. The enjoyment of dealing with math is not only from my self-learning, but also from sharing my math knowledge with other people, so I took a part-time job in tutoring high school kids mathematics. Only then I came to realize that I would like to be a math teacher rather than an accountant or any other roles (I am 100% sure I won’t be a CEO or entrepreneur). So I took the scholarship offered by the government supporting people with math enthusiasm teaching in school, gaining double degrees in Education (teaching) and Arts (mathematics), finally and proudly I was officially a math teacher. I had been teaching in various public and catholic schools in Australia until I met Cici (later being my wife) in 2017. We decided to move back to China, and now I am again proudly a Adcote’s math teacher.

  • 硕士研究生,专业为工商管理,本科专业为历史社会学

  • 持有IGCSE证书、TEFL证书

  • 曾在上海领科教育学校就职担任历史教师,拥有IG、Alevel历史学科、全球展望教学经验。

My name is Rutendo Mabunu, I have been in the education industry for over 10 years. I have a passion for teaching and a deep commitment to both my students and my own growth. I am grateful for the opportunity to help students develop their communication skills and empathy through humanities subjects. My hope is to equip them with the critical thinking skills they can use in many areas in life.

A creative and passionate teacher dedicated to fostering student based classroom environment based on mutual respect and collaboration. Strong belief in the importance of team work and building supportive work relationships with colleagues both within and outside the faculty. Self-driven , proactive and motivated to achieve excellency.


  • 美国棕榈滩大西洋大学硕士研究生,工商管理专业,持有TOEFL证书

  • 曾在江南大学工作6年, 2021年加入我校,教学经验丰富,通过识别每个学生独特的学习风格,帮助学生理解商务知识,应用和分析市场风向

Jamaican born and bred, I’ve been teaching Business Studies in China for the past 10 years at the secondary and tertiary levels.

As an avid exerciser, I enjoy outdoor activities like cycling, walking or picnicking. Additionally, indoor activities like board games and good food with cool folks is really enjoyable.




